
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year at Circle School is just around the corner!

Current Students and Alumni: Begins Monday January 22nd at 1pm

New Families: Begins Saturday January 27th at 9am

"Please don’t hesitate to contact the director, Joanne Downey by filling out the form on this page. She will be more than happy to answer any questions you have and schedule a private tour!

And come back to this page to get more information after registration begins.

Our Programs

ICircle School tailors its programs to meet the unique developmental needs of each age group. For the youngest learners, "The Twos" program provides a gentle introduction to structured play and socialization, focusing on foundational skills like communication and motor development. Moving on to "The Trees," the program for preschool-aged children, the curriculum expands to include more structured learning experiences, introducing early literacy, numeracy, and creative activities. The "Fours" program further builds upon these foundations, preparing students for a smooth transition into formal schooling. Additionally, Circle School offers an enriching "After School Discovery Club" where students can engage in diverse extracurricular activities, from arts and crafts to sports, promoting a well-rounded development beyond regular school hours.